Liquid Friday - the best contracting company for you

Liquid Friday Contractor Umbrella Company

By Rebekah Law, 2010

Liquid Friday is a contractor umbrella company providing CIS payroll and payroll services within both the commercial and public sector. Liquid Friday’s commercial contracting services are targeted for data engineering, telecoms, IT engineering, driving services and construction within the commercial sector.

For the public sector the focus is on social working and care working. Liquid Friday prides itself on a commitment to excellence throughout their growing business. This includes a dedication to service excellence, always putting your interests first and the drive to stay relevant and competitive within the fields of CIS payroll and payroll services. This has been evident in the growth of the business, driven by personal referrals. 

If you are interested in working for this contractor umbrella company they will assist you with the necessary paperwork in order to make the process as simple as straightforward as possible.

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The founder of Person of Letters, Rebekah Law is a freelance journalist and copywriter with more than seven years’ experience.